
By the end October 2013, a team of  20 researchers in economics and philosophy at GREQAM started to work on a research program devoted to the analysis of the Dynamics of Inequalities and their Perception.

Philosophers justify the existence of inequalities by the need to reward differences in talents and by differences in effort. However, other dimensions are  introduced by inequalities between generations generated by environmental problems and sustainable growth leading to environmental justice questions. 

For macroeconomists, growth is strongly affected by inequalities, even if this relationship is far to be fully understood. It leads to studying the role of public policies that aim to promote growth and reduce inequalities.

For microeconomists, the behaviour of an individual can be seriously affected by the characteristics and the behaviour of his peers and social networks. However, the way in which networks can generate inequalities as well as the analysis of the dynamics of these inequalities induced by the dynamics of the social networks are two issues that have received little attention in the literature.

For econometricians, household survey data in panels are essential to qualify both the dynamics of inequalities and their perception. For instance, the preference for redistribution has to be explained either in a model of dynamic income or in relation with other opinions concerning the origin of poverty (circumstances or lack of effort). And new econometric techniques have to be developed to answer these questions.

This conference aims at confronting researchers in the domain of economic inequalities. Contributed papers are sollicited in the various domains of Networks dynamics and inequality, Macrodynamics and inequality, Environmental justice and economic philosophy, Econometrics and income inequality measurement.

Submit a paper

Paper: pdf file only

Please submit a paper in English only,
and only one paper per corresponding

Deadline for submission:
15th February 2016

There is no registraation fees, but
participants have to provide for their
lodging and travel expanses. The
conference provides for lunches
and dinner.

Keynote speakers

Jess Benhabib, New York University (macroeconomics)
Stephen Jenkins, LSE (econometrics)
Steven Durlauf, University of Wisconsin (microeconomics)

Important dates

February 15th: Deadline for submissions
March 18th: Notification to authors
Until April 15th: Registration
May 26-27: Conference


Michel Lubrano:

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